Kumpulan Mangle Mikrotik Game Online

Kali ini saya akan mengepost tentang mangle Mikrotik untuk beberapa Game Online, langsung aja buka winbox dan new terminal dan copypaste mangle di bawah ini: 

sumber: internet

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="SEMUA GAME DIPAKETKAN" \ connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" disabled=no new-packet-mark="GAME PAKET" \ passthrough=no

Mangle POKER tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="POKER KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=9339,843 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle AYODANCE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="AYODANCE KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=18901,18902,18903,18904,18905,18906,18907,18908,18909  new-connection-mark= "GAME KONEKSI"\ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle SEAL ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="SEAL ONLINE KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=1818 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle LINE AGE2 tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="LINE AGE2 KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=7777 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle POINT BLANK udp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="POINT BLANK KONEKSI UDP" \ disabled=no dst-port=40000-40010 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=no protocol=udp

Mangle POINT BLANK tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-connection \ new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" passthrough=yes protocol=tcp \ dst-address= dst port=39190 comment="POINT BLANK KONEKSI TCP"

Mangle RF udp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="RF KONEKSI UDP" \ disabled=no dst-port=10001,10002,10003,10004,10005,10006,10007 \ new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" passthrough=no protocol=udp

Mangle RF-ELVENT tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="RF-ELVENT KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=27780 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle PERFECT WORLD tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="PERFECT WORLD KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=29000 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle ROHAN tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="ROHAN KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=22100 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle ROHAN tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="ZEUS RO KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=5121 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle DOTA tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="DOTTA KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=6000-6152 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle GHOST ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="GHOST ONLINE KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=19101 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle GHOST ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="WOW AMPM KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=8085 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle DRIFT CITY tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="DRIFT CITY KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=11011-11041 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle GET AMPED tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="GET AMPED KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=13413 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=no protocol=tcp

Mangle YULLGANG tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="YULLGANG KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=19000 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle IDOL STREET tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="IDOL STREET KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=2001 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle CRAZY KART tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="CRAZY KART KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=9601-9602 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle RAN ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="RAN ONLINE KONEKSI" \ disabled=no dst-port=5105 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle CROSS FIRE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="CROSS FIRE KONEKSI TCP" \ disabled=no dst-port=10009 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle CROSS FIRE udp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="CROSS FIRE KONEKSI UDP" \ disabled=no dst-port=40000-40010 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=no protocol=udp

Mangle RETURN OF WARRIOR tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="RETURN OF WARRIOR" \ disabled=no dst-port=10402 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle CRAZY KART 2 tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="CRAZY KART 2" \ disabled=no dst-port=9600 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle LUNA ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="LUNA ONLINE" \ disabled=no dst-port=15002 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle RUNES OF MAGIC tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="RUNES OF MAGIC" \ disabled=no dst-port=16402-16502 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \
passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle FRESH RO tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="FRESH RO" \
disabled=no dst-port=5126 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle CABAL INDONESIA tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="CABAL INDONESIA" \ disabled=no dst-port=15001,15002 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle WAR ROCK tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="WAR ROCK" \ disabled=no dst-port=5340-5352 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle FASTBLACK tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="FASTBLACK" \ disabled=no dst-port=6000-6001 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle ROSE ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="ROSE ONLINE" \ disabled=no dst-port=29200 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle X-SHOT TCP tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="X-SHOT TCP" \ disabled=no dst-port=7341,7451 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Mangle X-SHOT TCP udp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="X-SHOT UDP" \ disabled=no dst-port=7808,30000 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=no protocol=udp

Mangle TANTRA ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="TANTRA ONLINE" \ disabled=no dst-port=3010 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp


/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="HEROES OF NEWEARTH INCATAMERS TCP" \ disabled=no dst-port=11031 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp


/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="HEROES OF NEWEARTH INCATAMERS UDP" \ disabled=no dst-port=11100-11125,11440-11460 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=no protocol=udp

Mangle ATLANTICA tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="ATLANTICA" \ disabled=no dst-port=4300 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp dst-address=

Mangle ECO ONLINE tcp port

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="ECO ONLINE" \ disabled=no dst-port=12011,12110 new-connection-mark="GAME KONEKSI" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp


/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="GAME ONLINE" disabled=no dst-port=1818,2001,3010,4300,5105,5121,5126,5171,5340-5352,6000-6152,7777 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=no dst-port=7341-7350,7451,8085,9600,9601-9602,9300,9376-9377,9400,9700,10001-10011 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

 /ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=no dst-port="10402,11011-11041,12011,12110,13008,13413,15000-15002,16402-16502,16666,18901-18909,19000" in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=no dst-port=19101,22100,27780,28012,29000,29200,39100,39110,39220,39190,40000,49100 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE"\ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="" disabled=no dst-port=14009-14010 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="" disabled=no dst-port=14009-14010 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \passthrough=yes protocol=udp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=no dst-port="1293,1479,6100-6152,7777-7977,8001,9401,9600-9602,12020-12080,30000,40000-40010" in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \passthrough=yes protocol=udp

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting disabled=no dst-port=42051-42052,11100-11125,11440-11460 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME ONLINE" \ passthrough=yes protocol=udp

Game Facebook :

/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment="GAME FACEBOOK" disabled=no dst-port=9339,843 in-interface=local new-connection-mark="GAME FACEBOOK"\ passthrough=yes protocol=tcp

Selanjutnya buat firewaal antivirus di mikrotik...
Caranya sama buka new terminal di mikrotik lalu pastekan kode berikut...

/ip firewall filter add chain=input connection-state=invalid action=drop comment=”Drop_invalid_connections”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=udp action=accept comment=”UDP”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp limit=50/5s,2 action=accept comment=”Allow_limited_pings”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop comment=”Drop_excess_pings”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=21 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”FTP”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=22 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”SSH_for_secure_shell”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=23 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”Telnet”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=80 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”Web”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=8291 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”winbox”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=1723 action=accept comment=”pptp-server”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=log log-prefix="DROP INPUT" comment=”Log_everything_else”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=23 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”Telnet”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=80 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”Web1”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=1723 action=accept comment=”pptp-server”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=log log-prefix="DROP-INPUT" comment=”Log¬everythingelse”
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=8291 src-address-list=ournetwork action=accept comment=”winbox1”
/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting protocol=icmp action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=icmp-con passthrough=yes comment=”bikin_cepat_ping_dan_dns”
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=invalid action=drop comment=”drop_invalid_connections”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=135-139 action=drop comment=”Drop_Blaster_Worm”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1433-1434 action=drop comment=”Worm”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=445 action=drop comment=”Drop_Blaster_Worm”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=udp dst-port=445 action=drop comment=”Drop_Blaster_Worm”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=593 action=drop comment=””
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1024-1030 action=drop comment=””
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1080 action=drop comment=” Drop_MyDoom”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1214 action=drop comment=””
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1363 action=drop comment=”ndm-requester”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1364 action=drop comment=”ndm-server”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1368 action=drop comment=”screen-cast”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1373 action=drop comment=”hromgrafx”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=1377 action=drop comment=”cichlid”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=2745 action=drop comment=”BagleVirus”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=2283 action=drop comment=”DropDumaruY”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=2535 action=drop comment=”DropBeagle”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=2745 action=drop comment=”DropBeagle_C-K”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=3127 action=drop comment=”DropMyDoom”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=3410 action=drop comment=”DropBackdoorOptixPro”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=4444 action=drop comment=”Worm1”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=udp dst-port=4444 action=drop comment=”Worm2”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=5554 action=drop comment=”DropSasser”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=8866 action=drop comment=”DropBeagleB”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=9898 action=drop comment=”DropDabber-A-B”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=10080 action=drop comment=”DropMyDoom-B”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=12345 action=drop comment=”DropNetBus”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=27374 action=drop comment=”DropSubSeven”
/ip firewall filter add chain=virus protocol=tcp dst-port=65506 action=drop comment=”DropPhatBot-Agobot-Gaobot”
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=jump jump-target=virus comment=”jump-to-the-virus-chain”

1 comment for "Kumpulan Mangle Mikrotik Game Online"

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